Friday, June 5, 2009
FTW Holidays
Heres an update on my holidays.
Well, holidays so busy..
Tuesday Jason Yee come back to KL..
At around 3 o clock me, Wen Yih, and Jason went to play piano at Ali's House. Owned a lot.
Play, play, play until like 9 p.m. , then go dinner.
Jason's dota still as pro as last time we met..
Oh yeah, he's grown a whole lot taller.
After dinner we went to play basketball until 12p.m.
THEN go back 2 my house and watch tv / sum1 watch sumthing in his handphone not me / play computer.
Sleep at 2 : 30 a.m.
Next day / same day wake up,
Go basket ball again then go Mid Valley 2 watch movie.
TMD sum1 go freaking choose the STUPID MOVIE CALLED
So got me, Jason, Andrew, Justin, Wen Yih, Edmund, Jazreel, Demi Chen, Joshua, Weng Hoe, Yuan Yang, and Jing Kit.
Walao the movie.
Heres a spoiler, if u want to watch Monsters Vs Aliens pls dun continue.
Which nice movie will end when sum 30 storey insect-hamster monster becomes a freaking 30 damn storey butterfly.
Oh yeah, and the insect looks like a hamster with 6 + arms.
And even though its so damn fucking big, it cant say a word.
OK, maybe it did say sumthing, but it sounds damn retarded like some stupid retarded gorilla + tyrannosaurus.
Yes, it sounds a bit like Abiinesh.
But other then that stupid bug, the movie was great.
A lot of jokes and funny parts.
But the stupid hamster insect ruined the entire show.
OK after the movie, we went back to Taman Desa.
Then we go Play piano at Ali's father's house again. Kana owned.
Then go back to basketball field then play basket ball.
Then everyone come back to my house overnight.
But before sleep sum1 watch sumthing in his handphone again..
Ahem, Wen Yi.. Ahem..
Haha had a lot of fun.
Then today go Amazing Race : Taman Desa.
A lot of fun, but lost.
OK thats all for now bb.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
we have finally found a winner of the famous competition :
The Ritad of FORM 3 ( May )
He won lots of professional contenstants but found it hard
to beat a few super professional Ritad's especially Chang Kit Meng.
But in the end, his moves proved to be better than all the others.
He is the man behind many ( bra ) brands.
He can act as any taxi driver or bus driver in the world.
He can dance the latest dance moves from the
famous show "Barbie : Swan Lake Adventures".
He can smile so gaily that anyone would have
thought he was mentally challenged.
Please welcome Abiinesh !!!!
And this is his pose/look :
He looks like he's constipating but actually
he's very angry.
Can you see the anger in his face ?
It looks like Weng Hoe made Abiinesh angry again this time.
Now Abiinesh is going to kill Weng Hoe.
But he can't because Abiinesh is a (winner of ) Ritad (of form 3 , 09)
Congratulations to Abiinesh for winning number 1
in the monthly competition : The Ritad of Form 3.
As your prize you get 1 free wish from Goh Weng Hoe.
To claim your free wish, please say "Punch me" to Goh Weng Hoe.
U will soon get your wish granted in a few moments after that.
Yea maybe you dun nid to celebrate father's day,
and maybe its a bit pain.
look on the bright side, u don't need to.. hmm..
Sorry, theres no bright side.
Coming up in the next post is an exclusive interview and chat with
the one and only :
Two Face!
I mean Chang Kit Meng !!
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Woow, had a great time.
But before explaining about that, me and my FGA CYC cell group went to Pearl Point to promote our church On Saturday.
So it was me, Tao Kei, Daniel Tan Soon Lai, Zheng Wei ( cg leader ), and Phoebe.
It was kinda fun and gained a lot of confidence.
Also a chance to hangout with my cell group ( cell group), which is like my second family.
Ate at Suuuuuubwaay too.

For me, I think she's got a fantastic voice and personality.
Now shes already in the UPG top 6 groups.
Yea, she also came back to the church to give a speech yesterday, which is Saturday.
Ahem*, enough of day-dreaming about her , so back to Paroimia.
The dancing was seriously choreographed well and every single movement counted.
For those who have no idea what the **** is Paroimia ( U guys dunno what ur missing, man )
Paroimia is a drama choreographed and performed by members of the FGA YC
Apparently they have been practicing like hell since last year till April of 09.
So its a play somethin like the story of jesus christ, except different characters.
Went there with two of my CG members Zheng Wei and Reyling.
Here are some photos of them
Sry, no photos of Paroimia, too busy concentrating on them.
Them as in they're dancing, not .. their body.
Zheng Wei
He may look like a gangster but he's very kind and educated* la. Me & Rey-Ling
So the church sevice went out very well and..completely normal .. which is nice.
So around 500 + of us teenagers sang christian songs that are performed like concert lo.
After that the pastor made a hilarious speech about "How to Choose Your Lifetime Partner'
I still haven't regretted my choice.
So then Zheng Wei fetched me and Daniel and tao kei back at around 10 : 30.
Thats all for today..
Getting late gotta sleep soon.
Good night everyone.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Exams did ok-ok la.But could have done better.
Scored ok-ok la.. but nvr improve..
Anyways, was absent for one day which was the 22nd.. cuz got fever..
Actually got fever since Monday, but not so bad, can still sit for exam.
But Wednesday really feel like mabuk. And feel like some Big muscular black guy smacked me behind my head. Understand the feeling? Weng Hoe, not with his ****, with his hands, haha..
I should always tell the truth.
SO the honest truth is .. I saw the most beautiful girl in the whole world. She has got the *****st ***** & ****** *******.
She was so damn hot that I got a high fever. IM SERIOUS!!( ly insane and my hair got chopped)
Onli the fever part it serious.
The girl part is also serious. But onli in my imagination.
My fever must have gotten worst since Im posting this lousy stuff.
And my fever is getting worse from the imagination of ...
Oh yeah, I haven't fully recovered.
Must rest more,
Drink more water,
Eat-less rice,
Must stop looking at so many leng luis,
And laugh more.
Getting well really soon.
Fever sucks.
Gtg sleep.
Have a nice day/ night.
Monday, April 13, 2009
Stomach hurts..
It hurts so bad like someone shot me with a gun.
I also got a headache.
Feeling terrible but happy.
U see, I had some accident..
I was walking on my way to Bio Lab when suddenly..
I met Goh Weng Hoe..
This is the worst accident I had in my life..
Because of this accident,
I have suffered from several diseases such as :
A.K.A : Unable-To-Focus-In-Class disease and Thats-Y-I-Get-Scolded-By-My-Dad disease.
If u have no time for lame-silly-jokes pls read this some other day.
So this is an average day at the Bio-Lab.
I reach Bio-Lab.
Sit down same table with Jun Yan, Abiinesh, Nigel, Me, Weng Hoe.
Teacher teaching halfway suddenly
Weng Hoe say : Hey, WenTjin, U wanna know what Abiinesh do for tuition money.
WenTjin : What?
Weng Hoe : Every month, he will sell his Mom's and Dad's
internal organs for 5 bucks each. He nid to sell a lot
of organs to get 180 bucks. He also keeps his
Mom and Dad in the freeze. Then his mom will become a prostitute
in Chow Kit.
WenTjin : Hahahahahahaha. Dude, he's just next to us.
Weng Hoe : Hahaa, He doesn't mind. Then when he sell finish his mom's and dad's orga..
WenTjin : K, better not say anymore la, later he angry.
Weng Hoe : He is already angry.
Abiinesh : Smiling Gaily*
1 minute(s) later
WengHoe : ....hahaha then when he got extra, he will eat the organs for dinner.
WenTjin : Bak Kut Teh?
WengHoe : Hahahaa, no, Pork Butt.
W.Tjin + W.Hoe : Hahahahhaaaaa..
2 seconds later
Abiinesh : Hahahahahaaa..
W.Tjin + W.Hoe : .....
WengHoe : ...after he sell finish his parents organs, then he sells his heart. And then
replace it with a prank-fart-cushion. Then he must press it everytime
to stay alive.
WenTjin : HAHAHAHAHHAHAA. Laugh until stomach hurts*
Abiinesh : Heard everything but still smiling gaily*
WengHoe : Then he replace his lungs with balloons. So when he stops breathing,
the doctor cut open his chest and squeeze the balloon. Then he awake again..
WenTjin : Hahahahaaaaa ( headache from laughing)
Pls la weng hoe...
WengHoe : OKlo.
2 minutes later
Weng Hoe : ... then abiinesh hor... and then he have to keep his dad's ..... in the.... There's
.........combo ........
WenTjin : Hahahahahaha..
In my brains*: I gotta escape somehow, or jump down some building.
Damn It, why didn't I bring my Cello - Tape de*..
And the whole class is wondering why Me and Weng Hoe laughing like idiots.
And also why is Abiinesh smiling so "gaily", haha jk
So yea that's almost an average day at the Bio-Lab.
Wish I could post more but exams coming, nid to study.
Next post most probably posted next-next week,
Bye bye, Good Luck for exams.
Sunday, April 12, 2009
I wasn't invited to Carine'sMom'sGiveBirthToHer-Day.
Feeling a bit emo..
I don't wanna talk much about insulting or bad stuff on this blog.
So, instead of going to Carine's Birthday Period Menstruation Phase thing,
I went to Church.
Its called FGA CYC Church.
A.K.A : FGA CYC Church.
It was so damn nice.
All the people here are nice people.
And the church drama, songs, and comedy freaking nice.
First time come already met a lot of nice people like :
Wai Keat, Soon Lai, David, Mary, Li Ling, Zheng Wei.
Oh yea, met Taokei here too.
Wish I took some photo's but I didn't bring the camera, so too bad.
Interested to join?
Here are some details:
Promise U, there are no gays or lesbians.
All teenagers de.
And all leng lui and leng zai.
Im not kidding.
Look like la-la zai and lui but all from smart classes.
That's not kidding either.
Got around 300+ of us.
There's something called a small group.
It consists of 12 ppl.
This 12 ppl will be like your 2nd family.
Always very caring.
The songs are sung concert-style.
The drama's all look damn real and touching.
U will never regret coming here.
All speak chinese.
For those interested please tell me in my chatbox or msn :
The more the gayer.
Hope u all can make it.
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Saturdays .
This Saturday, went to many places..
This is what I ( my family forces me to ) do on Saturday.
Writing this post is going to cost me alot of humiliation..
Anyways enjoy!=)
Still sleeping.
Wake up.
Brush teeth, wash face, drink 100 plus for breakfast.
Faster sneak out of the house, don't wanna wake parents up.=P
Go Bb court..
Normally will see Justin, Edward, Christ, and a few grown up men there.
Play a 4v4 or 3v3 match.
Yesterday didn't really play any match, because got no time and tired.
Actually, its because I was still sleeping.xD
So nice to sleep leh ytd .. mom let us on the aircond for the whole night.
Normally will put timer de..
Woke up at 1030
Then mom asked me whether I want to go Sungei Wang anot..
Surely I said yes la, still nid to wait one meh?
So went to Sungei Wang.
Met 2 girls from KC 1 last time, but I forgot their names..
They last time so short, now become tall enough, and they changed a lot in their body and their ... hairstyle, not .... , nvm.=)
So I came to Sungei Wang to get a good anti-virus for the computer,
Just in case that time Abiibast wash pond ( understand?) got virus.
So in the end couldn't find anything.
My mom was in Metrojaya.
Oh yeah, got my handphone fixed, finaly can upload more songs again!
Anyways, back to the topic,
My mom was in Metrojaya undergarments section.
Choosing undergarments..
So I had to wait outside the undergarments section for 2 hours @#!$@$%
That time was around 1400.
So I decided to walk around the whole Sungei Wang.
Cuz I dun dare to enter, ltr they call me hamsap..
So I kept walking. Saw a lot of la-la zai & la-la lui.
Waaa Green and Blue and Red hairstyle de, so yeng leh.
But not my style, hehe.
Oh yeah, I also went to see the Fashion Show Spring Collection 2009.
It was held at the stage at Lowwer Ground floor.
So many leng lui.
Then I see most of the people looking at the Fashion Show were men, hamsap men.
All of them were kinda staring.
Okok, maybe I was staring too, MAYBE*.
Can't help it, so many leng lui at one place.
ANYWAYS, then finally, after walking the whole Sungei Wang,
I reached back Metrojaya.
Then I look at the time.
Happy Birthday , Gong Xi Fa Cai, Happy Anniversary !
Congratulations! Its been around 25 minutes! @#$#^@#!
And I thought it was at least 1 hour something.
Haha .. so I just sat outside the undergarments section of Metrojaya.
For 1 hour and 35 sumthing minutes..
And guess what,
When my mom wanted to pay for her things, the cash register went offline.
Lei Ah Gong.
So waited there for around another 30 minutes again..
Then they failed to go online ( because the cashier is gay )
Hahahaa, U nvr know.
Then have to pay downstairs.
SO in the end,
We left Sungei Wang at 1700.
So afterthat went to Grandmother's house.
Ate some delicious dinner with a lot of MEAT.
Came back at 2200 and slept.
OK, that will be all for todays review.
Need to go Basketball anyways.
Thx for viewing.=)